Monday, March 29, 2010

The pool is officially up : )

So we put the pool up on Saturday. It was FREEZING!! I had to get in just to straighten the liner, and after the initial numbness to the toes, I was good. Ready to play, lol. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm crazy, putting up a pool in 50 degree weather. But actually, I have a theory. Last year the pool cover we used kept moisture contained when the sun was shining on it, so when we'd uncover it, it'd actually be pretty warm. So even though this year's pool is larger, we're gonna try it out. This week, its supposed to be in the 70's and increasing to 80 degrees on Saturday. So we're gonna keep it covered all week and uncover it on Saturday to see how it feels. If its still cold, we've not lost anything, just saved us from having later work to do. If it does work, I'm gonna be in that thing all day Saturday, while my neighbors are jealous their pools aren't up yet, lol : )

We thought last year's pool cover would fit on the newer pool cause its not that much bigger and it was kinda too big for last years pool. But when we tried covering it, it wasn't big enough. So I ran to Anderson to pick up a cover to fit. When I got back and finished putting the cover on, I was cleaning up only to find a brand new cover in the bottom of the pool box. Ugh! I was so mad that I wasted all that gas to Anderson, but happy I could return the cover for something else we need; a pool light.

We bought this light that shoots different colors and rotating patterns of LED's through the water on all the walls of the pool, plus its a fountain. It's so freakin cool! We uncovered the pool last night just to see how well it'd light up and its awesome!!! Definitely gonna get some good use out of that this year.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's going on these days...

Caitlyn will be 3 on Monday, gosh time flies!! We're having it at Monkey Joe's. She's never been there but she loves stuff like that, so I'm really excited. It's supposed to rain Sunday evening; maybe it'll hold out until we're done and home. This past weekend was so beautiful; Caitlyn and I went to Atlanta to have her birthday party with her cousins. We went to the park and played; it was sooooo beautiful. Sun was out with a breeze to keep the sweat off (I did sweat just a little, ha). But it was so nice!! Then they were calling for snow flurries on Sunday night. I's like WHAT THE HECK?!!? Anywayz, had a wonderful weekend! Shawn didn't get to go because he was in the last fishing tournament for the fishing year in the category he's in. He found out that he still holds record for BIG FISH. So they're going to present him his award on Saturday night for biggest fish of the year. It was 7 lbs. I believe. He caught it back in October I think. Don't worry, I'll post his trophy. So proud of him.

Caitlyn has her first dentist appt next Thursday. Kinda worried about that. But I asked the dentist what they do, cause you know a 3 yr old is NOT gonna let anyone put their hands in her mouth, lol. They said they play with them and just get to know them, show them the utensils, and what they do with them, and just let them get familiar with everything, which I think is great!! So hopefully it won't be too bad. Maybe they'll get lucky and she'll let them look around in her mouth. We'll see : )

I'm thinking about putting the pool up this weekend. Yeah I's still too cold. But really, we have a pool cover and I swear last year that thing felt like a mild hot tub after coming home from work with the pool covered all day. Then to uncover it and it would be warm. What's the harm? If it doesn't work this early, we'll let it sit until its warm enough. Go run around the neighborhood on a warm Saturday, work up a sweat, and come back to a cold pool. That's the BEST!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

2 Great Weekends

Last weekend, we went to Charlotte, NC to be a special guest for the International Community Mass Choir of Charlotte. I think that's what they're called. It was at Spencer United Methodist Church. And that house was packed. Although one of our speakers got blown during the event, we came away with the most we've ever made from our product table sales plus a sweet gift from the choir. They also, out of the blue, presented us with an award (which is on our facebook: An Outstanding Achievement Award. We did a benefit event with them last October as well. And this time, they were raising money for the choir. We've made some outstanding relationships with them; may tour with them in the future; never know. Great loving people!!

This past weekend, we were in Royston, GA at the Broken Wing Conference. This was their first conference, but had an amazing turnout. And let me tell you, it was amazing!! I haven't been in a service like that in a while. The presence of God was so awesome in that room. The speakers were great!! We had an amazing time. We got to show off our new backdrop for our product table. We had some issues last minute with the stands to hold the banner, but we rigged it as we usually do with things that go wrong, lol, but we were real impressed with the final outcome. And don't you know it, I forgot to take a dern picture. So I'll have to wait till we put it up next to take a pic and post. It looks awesome though. We have 2 can lights hanging at the two tops corners shining diagonally down onto the backdrop. So that really adds a lot too.