Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm tired...

OMG, I did not want to get out of bed this morning for work. I think I hit the alarm a total of 8 times, and managed to only be about 10 minutes late. I'm starting to regret changing my holiday to the Friday before my week long vacation. Since I work on the BILO account but am actually employed by another company, our holidays are different. We receive Memorial Day off but BILO doesn't, so between the 6 of us, we have to split up and some have to work on the holiday. So I took my holiday Friday before last so we could leave early for vacation. Whooo, I'm tired.

Looks like I might be starting back up leading worship. I did it for a little while last year, but kinda quit, cause its so easy to just let Shawn do it, lol. But he's going to be helping the youth start up a jam up youth band on Wednesday nights now, while I possibly take the adult congregation. I did it Wednesday before last cause Shawn couldn't be there, and I wasn't expecting to lead, I was just asked at the last moment. After freaking a little, I did it. And weirdly enough, it was nice, kinda refreshing. I think there's a calling for me to do that cause everytime I do it, its like very fulfilling in a way, but its just getting over the fear of being in front of people. And I guess for those that saw me at Restoration, you probably thinking, she gets nervous? But YEAH, in all reality, I enjoy being behind the scenes more than on stage, but I love to sing and can never get away from it, so I'm still struggling in what this voice is supposed to be doing. I laugh when people are like, you should try out for American Idol. That's how you know they don't know much about singing, lol. I ain't that good and don't even desire such a spotlight. So I don't know. I know what I would love to do, but it would have to be a complete God thing for it to come to pass. I still believe dreams can come true. And maybe one day it will.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, thats awesome.....its so good to lead after you haven't done it in a while. I have just started co-leading at a church in Hamilton...this past Sunday was my first time, it was great to be doing it again!
