Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Potty Training and Jobs

So we keep attempting to start the whole potty training thing. We have come to the conclusion that it takes more dedication from the parent than it does the child. But Caitlyn is so smart; I think if we could just dedicate one week to it, she'd be trained. Because she already knows the concept of the potty, let's us know when she's already gone potty in her pants, go figure, and she doesn't like to be in a dirty or wet diaper. So maybe sometime soon, we'll be trained : )

I've gotten several calls in the last few weeks acquiring about some design work, one of which is a photography studio who needed a logo, in which I just completed. I met with the owner last night to find out she does all the photography for the county high school including boosters, sports, seniors, etc, amongst other schools as well, I believe. I'm also about to do several business cards for her as well as brochures and business forms. I also just got a call from a design studio in Hartwell wanting me to come on part-time doing some work there, that I can do from home. This is all very nice considering I want some extra money to go cruise shopping. Speaking of which, two and a half more weeks till we cruise off. Yay!!

This morning, a radio show I was listening to was talking about the swine flu, and this woman called in talking about how she was about to visit Disney World and the Bahamas and she was freaking out because of the swine flu thing. I was very confused as to how Mexico and the Bahamas was related...until she spoke up and said, "I'm not sure where the Bahamas is down there but I'm gonna get on google and figure out where it is in proximity to Mexico." That just gave me a little laugh; I figured she didn't know what she was talking about. Another woman called, guess she's a nurse or works in some kind of medical field; she agreed with the talk show host that people are making too much of a big deal about the swine flu. She said there's several confirmed cases, but if you look at "some m word" (some condition she mentioned), she said over 90,000 people have died from it, and no one made a big deal about that. So she said, the media is just making too big a deal out of this. I hope she's right. I got my hand sanitizer in my purse : P

1 comment:

  1. Girl, she is ready...if she doesn't like dirty diapers and tells you when she's done then yep. And you are exactly right, it does take dedication from the parents, a LOT! Felicity and Collin were both potty-trained at can do it!!
