Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Debt going down, going down, going down...

So I'd say its about time we got a breakthrough to be able to pay off some big debt. And that is what we just did this weekend. We were able to pay off 3 really large debts that have been hovering over us for the last year. That huge weight was hard to carry, as any debt is, but when the load gets too large to carry and its almost choking you, its very nice to be able to breath again. I think its so airing that I'm going to be able to set up a budget to pay off our new little Honda and our last credit card in a matter of just a few months. Then, besides our education loans, we'll be pretty much free of unnecessary debt...besides our house and Durango of course. Whooo...

We also reserved our cruise this last weekend. Heck yeah!! Going to the Bahamas in May!! I'm so very excited, can't wait to see that crystal clear water. Always wanted to go, and the rate we got is just, OMG crazy!!! In a matter of us checking last minute rates on Saturday before we booked, the price on one of the cruises we were looking at dropped $50 within a matter of 15 minutes; we couldn't believe it, so you better believe we got on the phone and booked that thing.

1 comment:

  1. Paying off debt feels so good! I'm about to pay off my car this spring and I'm so glad.

    With the extra money I will have I'll feel better about buying & having an iPhone. Also, I'm in the process of putting money back for a new Macbook Pro. Mine is 5 years old now and it's time for an upgrade.
