So as long as Shawn and I have been married, we've never had real TV. Was just never a priority I guess. We didn't have anything; telephone, internet, TV, etc. Well, after 3 years of marriage, we decided we were gonna get internet, so we did. And we loved it, I mean, who can live without the internet? Ya know? Now, its been 5 years of marriage, OMG, can't believe that, and we have finally gotten TV. DISH was out at our house yesterday hooking up everything, gettin it workin. Once everything was complete, Shawn turned it on Barney, and Caitlyn went absolutely nutts. Of course he was too amused to go grab the video camera. Then Barney started singing his signature song, "I Love You, You Love Me..." and Caitlyn started swaying back and forth singing along. Too precious. I could only hear her cause I's on the phone with Shawn. It was cute! I think she must get her Barney infatuation from me; I was in love with him until I's like 12 years
And now, when we're gone through the week every week, I don't have to miss my favorite shows anymore and get ruined when my brother sends me an email telling me what happens on LOST after each episode. I'm totally excited!! For those of you who are like, "get a grip, its just TV," try not having yours for 5 years and having to work with those crazy rabbit ears, and you'll understand where I'm at : )
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let's Play Catch Up...
Mom was sick last weekend with that flu/stomach thing that's going around, so pics got canceled for the 2nd time in a row. But we're scheduled to do them this Saturady after Caitlyn's birthday party. We're doing pics for RPM and personal family pics. I'll post some next week sometime.
So Caitlyn will be 2 years old this Sunday. I can't believe it!! Time goes by so dern fast. She's started talking and communicating quite well with her words, and I'm assuming it doesn't slow down any from from what I've been told. Someone told me once, "Once they start talking, they never shut up." I'm finding this to be a true statement. But Caitlyn's so precious when she sings. I'll sneek a peak around my shoulder in the car while we're riding, the music loud, she's back there swaying her head, moving her hands, and really emphasizing the words she singing...the most beautiful thing a mother can experience. I'm loving these new precious moments I've been experiencing with her. I saw myself in her for the first time last night. Just a glimpse of a look she gave me (not a bad one, just in passing), I was like, that's me...she does look like me
Things are so good for our family right now...of course I'm hesitant to say such, as something always goes wrong it seems, but I finally feel like we have a grip on everything now, our direction, our finances, it all. Its a nice easy-going feeling, and a relief to finally be able to breath after living on the edge for over a year now. I never thought we would pay off our debt so quick, and we haven't paid it all, but a lot of it is GONE! Yay!!
So we finally found a good hair stylist. We always enjoy going to HairWaves in Royston cause they do such a good job, but they're so expensive compared to our easier visit to Wal-mart's hair shop. But its been crazy the last few times we've gone to Wal-mart...they just can't get our hair right (we don't have the easiest 'hair-do's) and they don't seem to have been updated to the skill of texturizing. So anyway, we found out Sunday that the drummer's wife is a hair stylist. She so hooked us up after church. Shawn needed a cut so bad, and I mean REALLY bad. So she made us look good. She works at Great Clips as the assistant manager, and she's really awesome, plus its not expensive at all...from here on out - she graciously cut ours for free on Sunday : )
So I'm excited, Saturday is Caitlyn's birthday party. All her grandma's and papa's are coming and several close friends. It'll be fun and her cake is so precious. It's Barney-themed without Barney actually being on the cake. So its purple and green and just really cute. It's $4 more to put a little plastic Barney on the cake....whatever! I's like, just make it look like the cake, no plastic Barney thats gonna get chunked in the toybox as soon as we get home : )
So Caitlyn will be 2 years old this Sunday. I can't believe it!! Time goes by so dern fast. She's started talking and communicating quite well with her words, and I'm assuming it doesn't slow down any from from what I've been told. Someone told me once, "Once they start talking, they never shut up." I'm finding this to be a true statement. But Caitlyn's so precious when she sings. I'll sneek a peak around my shoulder in the car while we're riding, the music loud, she's back there swaying her head, moving her hands, and really emphasizing the words she singing...the most beautiful thing a mother can experience. I'm loving these new precious moments I've been experiencing with her. I saw myself in her for the first time last night. Just a glimpse of a look she gave me (not a bad one, just in passing), I was like, that's me...she does look like me
Things are so good for our family right now...of course I'm hesitant to say such, as something always goes wrong it seems, but I finally feel like we have a grip on everything now, our direction, our finances, it all. Its a nice easy-going feeling, and a relief to finally be able to breath after living on the edge for over a year now. I never thought we would pay off our debt so quick, and we haven't paid it all, but a lot of it is GONE! Yay!!
So we finally found a good hair stylist. We always enjoy going to HairWaves in Royston cause they do such a good job, but they're so expensive compared to our easier visit to Wal-mart's hair shop. But its been crazy the last few times we've gone to Wal-mart...they just can't get our hair right (we don't have the easiest 'hair-do's) and they don't seem to have been updated to the skill of texturizing. So anyway, we found out Sunday that the drummer's wife is a hair stylist. She so hooked us up after church. Shawn needed a cut so bad, and I mean REALLY bad. So she made us look good. She works at Great Clips as the assistant manager, and she's really awesome, plus its not expensive at all...from here on out - she graciously cut ours for free on Sunday : )
So I'm excited, Saturday is Caitlyn's birthday party. All her grandma's and papa's are coming and several close friends. It'll be fun and her cake is so precious. It's Barney-themed without Barney actually being on the cake. So its purple and green and just really cute. It's $4 more to put a little plastic Barney on the cake....whatever! I's like, just make it look like the cake, no plastic Barney thats gonna get chunked in the toybox as soon as we get home : )
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pics This Weekend
So our pictures are actually this weekend. Since we got rained out last weekend, we're gonna go down to ATL this weekend and hopefully get them done. With my newly lost 7 lbs from being sick, my outfits fit even more nicely. I have two outfits I'm so excited about and I wish I had a camera that would allow me to put pics I've taken on the computer, like sending them instead of using a cord and all that extra stuff.
But you know those new vested tees are coming out for girls. They're like little vests that you put over a button up or a graphic t-shirt. Yeah, I finally found one, been looking. Its gray pin-striped with light pink, black and white grungy type stuff on one corner. Cute, cute, cute! And my other outfit is a red jacket that comes to my mid-thigh. It buttons all the way up and ties at the waist. Very adorable. I wish I had pics to post. All worn with black pants of course. Not small enough to look good in jeans yet : )
Oh, and Shawn's gonna look good as always. But hopefully, I'll be able to post a few pics Saturday night, or maybe Monday. Can't wait!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sick of being Sick
So I woke up Saturday morning with what I thought was just an overgrown feeling of hunger. My body is so used to getting up at God-awful hours to go to work, and I usually eat a little something, but I was able to sleep in for the first in quite some time. So we had to make a Wal-mart run in the nasty rain, grabbed Zaxby's on the way, and I couldn't even eat my whole meal. Now that's not normal, Zaxby's is like almost my favorite. I decided to go ahead and grab some medicine at Wal-mart after checking my temp of 100.0. Did you know that they do not make chewable tablets for adults with cold/flu? What a crock! Not everyone has accrued the wonderful talent of swallowing pills ya know. So Shawn found me some Zicam liquid that says its virtually tasteless when mixed with your choice of drink.
So as excited as I was about my new medicine, we get home, I pour my sprite, mix in my glorious Zicam in which I figure we're going to be best friends for the next couple days, take my first swig, and up and out it came. I don't know who did their test taste, but it definitely was not someone with taste buds. They need to re-evaluate that again; and I'd love to be their test-taster. So needless to say, I just went through a terrible flu/stomach virus/whatever you wanna call it without any medication.
Besides about passing out twice on Sunday morning, I got me some good rest, and had to regretfully use a sick day from work on Monday. I need my sick days for doctors appts, that's another story in itself. But I'm feeling a little better. Still a little nauseated, but other than that, my trips to the bathroom are narrowing.
So as excited as I was about my new medicine, we get home, I pour my sprite, mix in my glorious Zicam in which I figure we're going to be best friends for the next couple days, take my first swig, and up and out it came. I don't know who did their test taste, but it definitely was not someone with taste buds. They need to re-evaluate that again; and I'd love to be their test-taster. So needless to say, I just went through a terrible flu/stomach virus/whatever you wanna call it without any medication.
Besides about passing out twice on Sunday morning, I got me some good rest, and had to regretfully use a sick day from work on Monday. I need my sick days for doctors appts, that's another story in itself. But I'm feeling a little better. Still a little nauseated, but other than that, my trips to the bathroom are narrowing.
"Save The Date"
Friday, March 13, 2009
Time for New Pics

I'd say its about time for some new pics. We were going to get some done by my mama this weekend, but ya know its supposed to rain : ( so that got canceled.
My mom is starting up her own photography business, Clear Creek Images by Linda Scott. It's about time! She's so dern good at taking pictures. I've never taken Caitlyn to get pictures done. Mom's always done them. And in fact, I've never really gotten my pictures taken cause she's always done better than an actual photographer could do. So if anyone needs a photographer, I can totally hook you up. She's like the best!! Oh, she didn't take the picture above, obviously, cause its not that good. I posed that and had someone else snap it real quick. We kinda washed
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Debt going down, going down, going down...
So I'd say its about time we got a breakthrough to be able to pay off some big debt. And that is what we just did this weekend. We were able to pay off 3 really large debts that have been hovering over us for the last year. That huge weight was hard to carry, as any debt is, but when the load gets too large to carry and its almost choking you, its very nice to be able to breath again. I think its so airing that I'm going to be able to set up a budget to pay off our new little Honda and our last credit card in a matter of just a few months. Then, besides our education loans, we'll be pretty much free of unnecessary debt...besides our house and Durango of course. Whooo...
We also reserved our cruise this last weekend. Heck yeah!! Going to the Bahamas in May!! I'm so very excited, can't wait to see that crystal clear water. Always wanted to go, and the rate we got is just, OMG crazy!!! In a matter of us checking last minute rates on Saturday before we booked, the price on one of the cruises we were looking at dropped $50 within a matter of 15 minutes; we couldn't believe it, so you better believe we got on the phone and booked that thing.
We also reserved our cruise this last weekend. Heck yeah!! Going to the Bahamas in May!! I'm so very excited, can't wait to see that crystal clear water. Always wanted to go, and the rate we got is just, OMG crazy!!! In a matter of us checking last minute rates on Saturday before we booked, the price on one of the cruises we were looking at dropped $50 within a matter of 15 minutes; we couldn't believe it, so you better believe we got on the phone and booked that thing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
See the Snow??
I tried to sled down the hill with Caitlyn like you see at the top, but she just wouldn't have it. Wish you could see the video. I tried to upload several videos on here, but they wouldn't play when I published them.
Pics from the Circus
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
What a Weekend
Wow, we had a crazy weekend!! And boy did the snow come down!!! It was beautiful. I'm gonna post some pics of us later this week. Shawn's parents took Caitlyn Sunday morning at church cause she had been sick all weekend. I think its just her sinuses, but I'm not sure. But she chunked up everywhere right before we got to church. I spent the whole service cleaning out her carseat, and the the It was lovely. But anyway, so Shawn and I couldn't head home until about 5:00 Sunday evening which the snow following the rain began heavily at 4:15 where we were at. We got on the road, and let me say, there sure are some idiots out there. Either they think they can drive in snow that they've obviously never seen, or they're trying to take advantage of their car insurance.
We were driving really slow on the interstate where only one lane was clear from traffic continuously traveling on it, while other idiots were trying to create their own lanes around us. Those were the ones we were afraid of. Slippin and slidin everywhere. I don't know where DOT was, but I think they slept through their afternoon nap alarm, cause the single lane that was created on the interstate consisted of the white line going down the center of our Whoever created that lane was just driving wherever, but we were following. Anyhow, so we made it as far as Anderson by 6:30 and couldn't go any further. Those of you who know where we live, it was obvious going any further was useless. Our subdivision is so hilly, there's no way we'd of gotten past the first hill before our road, much less our own road and driveway.
So we stopped in Anderson at a hotel and walked next door and ate at Fatz Cafe. Never been there. That was really good...yum. Watching the heavy snow fall out the window, it was romantic : ) We would've played in it, but my heels from church weren't a match for that activity. I barely made it back to the room without busting my rear. But the next morning, we had to check out at 11, so we attempted our drive home. The roads weren't too bad, but they weren't very nice. We hit that first hill before our road and Shawn's breaks locked up. That was fun. And when we approached our driveway, we realized it was completely frozen over, so we had to park at the bottom of the hill and walk up the steep yard. At least we had power though...yay! So we played in the snow. Used Caitlyn's dollhouse roof to do some sledding. I'll try to post a video also this week so ya'll can see. It'll definitely be on facebook. It was hilarious, although Caitlyn didn't enjoy it too
We were driving really slow on the interstate where only one lane was clear from traffic continuously traveling on it, while other idiots were trying to create their own lanes around us. Those were the ones we were afraid of. Slippin and slidin everywhere. I don't know where DOT was, but I think they slept through their afternoon nap alarm, cause the single lane that was created on the interstate consisted of the white line going down the center of our Whoever created that lane was just driving wherever, but we were following. Anyhow, so we made it as far as Anderson by 6:30 and couldn't go any further. Those of you who know where we live, it was obvious going any further was useless. Our subdivision is so hilly, there's no way we'd of gotten past the first hill before our road, much less our own road and driveway.
So we stopped in Anderson at a hotel and walked next door and ate at Fatz Cafe. Never been there. That was really good...yum. Watching the heavy snow fall out the window, it was romantic : ) We would've played in it, but my heels from church weren't a match for that activity. I barely made it back to the room without busting my rear. But the next morning, we had to check out at 11, so we attempted our drive home. The roads weren't too bad, but they weren't very nice. We hit that first hill before our road and Shawn's breaks locked up. That was fun. And when we approached our driveway, we realized it was completely frozen over, so we had to park at the bottom of the hill and walk up the steep yard. At least we had power though...yay! So we played in the snow. Used Caitlyn's dollhouse roof to do some sledding. I'll try to post a video also this week so ya'll can see. It'll definitely be on facebook. It was hilarious, although Caitlyn didn't enjoy it too
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