Monday, August 24, 2009

My Landscaping

We dug up tons of monkey grass from my moms house this past weekend. After putting all of it in our car, the entire back of the durango was full of monkey grass. We had TONS of it. But we ended up having just enough. I lined both sides of the driveway thicker, cause before, we had a little patch every foot or so, but that just wasn't doing it for me. I wanted it to be completely lined. So I think it looks so much better, not to mention, fuller. And then we continued to line it up the sidewalk to the porch. Of course we gotta clean the driveway now, lol...and lay some grass seed. Living on that hill, the drainage system sucks. All our grass washes down the hill over the driveway. We're working on digging a little trench to reroute the water. But anyway...

Then we lined the little flower bed next to the porch and laid ivy down so I'm hoping it'll reroot itself and grow up that whole area. I've just not known what to do with that little patch since we moved in. So now, if I can get it full of ivy, it'll look nice. That was a lot of hard work; we didn't finish till 10pm last night, but I believe it was well worth it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So Caitlyn is doing really good potty training. We went to a friends house last night and she went outside with all the kids and played like a big girl. They even walked down the road of the cul-de-sac and didn't even potty in her pants. She was so big. She's really good at telling me when she's got to go now. We've not mastered the whole "#2" in the potty. Its kinda like she's on one day and off the next. But we got "#1" down pretty good.

My next step is to buy a step stool to put in front of the potty so she can hop up there herself. Then, I'll almost be hands-free, lol. I guess I should get some pull-ups for when we go places like church and anytime we're traveling for longer than an hour. But its such a relief to not have to buy diapers every week or two, especially now that Wal-mart has decreased the number of diapers per box, but kept the price the same. Whatever...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We had a blast this past weekend in Virginia with the band. Although I only got maybe 7 hours of sleep the entire weekend, I'm doing pretty good right now staying awake, lol. I don't think I've laughed that hard in several years. It was almost constant humor. Wish we could travel all the time. But we had a lot of fun and enjoyed the "bonding" time with everyone.

We got to play at an outdoor "End of Summer" bash on Saturday. That was pretty fun. We were under a shelter so it wasn't too hot, even though I think the humidity is worse up there than it is here in Georgia. I thought it got better the more north you went. But anyway, we decided to start performing our original stuff instead of mixing it in with cover songs. And this was the first time we actually did this. And it went very well. People loved it. Especially Sunday morning. We went to a church and did their two morning services. They were crazy. They love to worship; that's for sure. I loved it myself. I miss being in that kind of corporate atmosphere. It's different than being in your personal quiet time. I don't know what it is about a bunch of people getting together and worshiping the Lord. Its very powerful. I was crying the whole time; as if that's not usual here lately. God was definitely in the house. But the first service was just overwhelming worship. The second service turned more into a praise fest, lol. I guess the second crowd was awake and ready to go. First crowd was still asleep : )

Anyway, we talked to a guy up there. He came to hear us. He heard us last time we were up and enjoyed it. And he talked to us this time and informed us that he has just been placed in a new spot over KTV video production dept, which is on Dish, Direct TV, etc. as a christian television station. Anyway, he will also be in the recording label division of the organization. And he asked if we were signed. We told him no; that we had looked into it before, but the timing was never right, plus we've just recently narrowed down which direction we want to take as a band. And he said he definitely wanted to contact us when he gets settled in his new position, because he loves our new stuff. So I thought that was pretty cool.

Well, its time to go home.

Monday, August 3, 2009


So this is the pool that my sister-n-law got for me for free. She didn't want it because its more a real pool rather than a kiddy pool. I originally wanted the 16' pool for myself, but then she came across this one on the web, someone giving it away for free. And she thought it was smaller, but when she went to pick it up and saw it had chemicals and a filter, she didn't want it. So she gave it to us. I was totally excited. We set it up and I was just happy we had something to get wet in on a hot day. When looking for pools, I was real leary about these easy set pools. They just looked like they'd be hard to work and probably a piece of junk. But I tell ya, this is the best thing, probably better than what we originally wanted in the 16' pool.

It's 10x30, so it's only about 2 feet deep. But its completely perfect for the three of us. I mean, absolutely perfect. Caitlyn can stand up in there and we can sit down and play with her or we can float. I started thinking, I would've had the roughest time with a deeper pool, especially having to hold Caitlyn the whole time, because floaties are good, but they won't keep a child's face out of the water. And Caitlyn's definitly a curious swimmer. So we filled the pool up on Friday night and swam all day on Saturday, I've got a nice lobster burn to prove it, lol, most of it's gone away by now, except my back and my right thigh, lol. But I'd have to say, if this were a purchased product, it would've been the most absolute best purchase we would've made. And I'm glad it worked out this way where it was given to us, because I never even thought to get this small of a pool, or this type of pool. But it is great!! And believe it or not, the water is warm. I guess because its a small pool, the water can warm up faster, plus we have a cover we keep on it. But we can lay in there at night and its so warm. Its great!!